When you let your puppy roam free outside on the property, it is essential that you keep the little guy enclosed in some form or fashion. And if you cannot fence the dog inside, then at least leash your dog up. This will prevent him from wandering off and getting hurt by an other animal... verder lezen
Most unnecessary deaths of dogs that occur due to flea collar poisoning are the result of an allergic reaction to the active ingredient. Even if your dog is perfectly well at the time the device placed around his neck, observe your dog closely for the first few days. If your dog should become ill while... verder lezen
Most unnecessary deaths of dogs that occur due to flea collar poisoning are the result of an allergic reaction to the active ingredient. Even if your dog is perfectly well at the time the device placed around his neck, observe your dog closely for the first few days. If your dog should become ill while... verder lezen
Most packages containing flea collars or other similar-type pest-fighting devices usually carry a printed caution on the front: “Do not allow children to play with this collar”. The purchaser is then invited to read the additional precautions printed on the reverse side of the package. Over 50% of the dog owners polled about their knowledge... verder lezen
When I was younger and living in San Diego, California, a mixed breed lab died a painful death which was eventually traced to the flea collar it was wearing. Years later, in a small town in Texas, a puppy from a litter of 4 died, which was later found to be directly attributed to a... verder lezen
There are specific brushes and combs to use on dogs, all based according to what you need to accomplish. It’s not too different than when people need a round brush for curling with a blow dryer versus a natural bristle brush for normal dry brushing, etc. If you do not plan on showing your dog... verder lezen
Before you rush out and purchase a new puppy, you need to first be prepared with the appropriate supplies needed at home. New puppies need more than just food and water, especially during the first night at the house. Here are a few basic supplies you’ll to get started. Food and water bowl For starters,... verder lezen
As your puppy gets a little older, the most important training aid that you will need will be a variety of dog training leashes. Of course using certain collars and leashes may seem a bit structured and strict to use when training your puppy, but they are meant to be a temporary tool designed to... verder lezen
You will need three specific pieces of equipment to properly train your dog: a training collar, a leather training leash, and a 15-foot length clothesline rope. If you’re already thinking that your dog’s present leather collar will work, and that his 4-foot chain leash will suffice, you may as well stop reading this article and... verder lezen
Pet gates are absolute lifesavers for dog owners (and in the case of potty training young puppies, carpet savers too!) Gates keep dogs confined to one room or one area of the house, usually an area that has easy-to-clean floors. Most pet gates are actually baby gates doing double duty by keeping both the dog... verder lezen