Puppies and children
Puppies resemble children in many ways. They need constant care, supervision, and a lot of affection. Having both together, your kids and your dog, especially during playtime, require extra supervision and patience. The key is to teach your child how to play with the puppy and for the puppy to understand that he needs to listen... verder lezen
Children are amazingly loving and carefree but too much friendliness could get them bitten, and in some cases even killed, when coming across a strange dog while playing outdoors. Teaching your children to approach new dogs in a calm, controlled manner can help prevent these problems. First, children need to ask for permission from their... verder lezen
In every instance where a dog is used within the family household to teach children important life lessons – lessons of responsibility, lessons of care, and lessons of sharing, it has been the dog’s similarity to us that has done the teaching. His differences can help us grow, too. You can use the unfamiliar to... verder lezen
Not only does the new addition of a puppy into the home make children happy, it also creates an unexpected learning center that can teach the kids care, tenderness, responsibility, and ironically – sharing. I stress the word “ironically” because you probably feel that this would be the last result of adding a dog to... verder lezen
As a parent who brings home a new puppy for the joy that the children will experience, your role is also to use the puppy as a “teacher-dog”, which simply means using the pet to teach your kids morals and responsibility. Specific situations come up all of the time in the home to take advantage... verder lezen
By using your dog to teach a child, positive life lessons can formed and crafted that will last forever in your son or daughter. This works by getting your kids involved in activities that not only take care of the dog, but teaches your child at the same time. They keys to this practice working... verder lezen
Every person who buys a puppy, or adopts a new dog, does so with the intention of teaching the new member of the family dog tricks, training plans, and such – but it is also common to use them to help teach the children. How can a dog teach your kid? Not only have I... verder lezen
I’ll never forget the time when I was just a six-year-old child, some 30 years ago, and my pet dog, Buddy, was laying limp all day under the living room chair – her eyes moving only occasionally. But I could care less, as I played with my toys all day. To the eyes of a... verder lezen
Having a new puppy in the house is a very exciting and memorable experience, especially when you have children in the family. However, every interaction between your child and your new puppy must be closely supervised, especially for the first few days after your puppy’s arrival. When meeting the puppy for the first time, have... verder lezen
Having a new puppy in the house is a very exciting and memorable experience, especially when you have children in the family. However, every interaction between your child and your new puppy must be closely supervised, especially for the first few days after your puppy’s arrival. When meeting the puppy for the first time, have... verder lezen