It is quite easy to check your dog for any flea infestation. Do so whenever you are brushing or even petting your dog. Always take note of the animal’s skin condition, checking his fur as well. When you do this, a few things to keep an open eye for are: Is the skin clean? Is... verder lezen
Fleas, Ticks & Bugs
It is quite easy to check your dog for any flea infestation. Do so whenever you are brushing or even petting your dog. Always take note of the animal’s skin condition, checking his fur as well. When you do this, a few things to keep an open eye for are: Is the skin clean? Is... verder lezen
Fleas are very stubborn creatures. They linger, multiply in large numbers, and eliminating them completely can take a very long time. The easiest approach to get rid of an infestation of fleas is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are three ways to keep fleas from invading your dog and your... verder lezen
Fleas are very stubborn creatures. They linger, multiply in large numbers, and eliminating them completely can take a very long time. The easiest approach to get rid of an infestation of fleas is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are three ways to keep fleas from invading your dog and your... verder lezen
Fleas are like small vampires that literally suck the blood out of your dog. Not only do they live by draining his blood and cause severe irritation, if they are eaten by your dog or puppy then they can cause internal worms. Obviously these little creatures are a menace and should be kept under control... verder lezen
Once you know there is a flea problem with your dog, you must attack it from every angle so that these menacing little vampires do not come back into your life again in the future. You must treat the inside of your home and even your yard area so that any fleas that have survived... verder lezen
What are the best flea medications out there and are there any natural remedies that work? What natural ways can you use to prevent them altogether; before they spread throughout your dog’s environment and your home? These are very common questions that just about every dog owner asks when trying to keep their pets and... verder lezen
Ticks are amazingly efficient at surviving almost any attack. The rate of propagation and resistance to insecticides is phenomenal to say the least. In heated kennels and homes, ticks breed all year round. When the weather is cold, they’ll withdraw to cracks and crevices to await warmer times. Since it takes twenty to thirty days... verder lezen
Once on a dog, a female tick buries her head beneath the skin tissues, extends her barbed “tongue” and is then clamped on tight. Once the head and barbed probe are beneath the skin, no amount of shaking or scratching by the dog will cause the tick to dislodge. The tick then feasts upon the... verder lezen
Each year as the warm weather approaches, dog owners should be increasingly apprehensive about those gluttonous, disease-carrying “Rhipicephalus Sanquineus”. This dangerous creature can infect man with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, cause paralysis, and even kill dogs and puppies. Referred to by most everyone as ticks, these parasites are blamed for carrying the micro-organism that caused... verder lezen