When coming upon an injured dog at the scene of an accident, it must be transported out of the area immediately and back to safer ground. This process can be a bit complicated if you do not know what you are doing in terms of evaluating the dog’s injuries and whether or not you have... verder lezen
First aid
When coming upon an injured dog at the scene of an accident, it must be transported out of the area immediately and back to safer ground. This process can be a bit complicated if you do not know what you are doing in terms of evaluating the dog’s injuries and whether or not you have... verder lezen
It is very common for puppies to wind up in troublesome situations where they get hurt from their adventures. Like small children, puppies see everything as a possibility for fun, even dangerous situations which adult dogs may have the wisdom to ignore. Puppies can be injured from electric shock when chewing on wiring, they can... verder lezen
It is very common for puppies to wind up in troublesome situations where they get hurt from their adventures. Like small children, puppies see everything as a possibility for fun, even dangerous situations which adult dogs may have the wisdom to ignore. Puppies can be injured from electric shock when chewing on wiring, they can... verder lezen
Dogs sometimes have a bad habit of putting anything they find inside their mouths. Actually, dogs always seem to find a way to put objects in their mouth that do not belong there! They tend to pick up all types of stuff, ranging from balls to rocks, small toys to articles of clothing, basically anything... verder lezen
When your dog is injured and there are signs of blood flow, it may be both external and internal. If your dog was hit by a moving vehicle and you do not see any blood, always assume that there is an internal injury that may be causing bleeding. A veterinarian should be the one to... verder lezen
If you were to ever be the first person to arrive on the scene after a dog has been injured, are you prepared with the necessary steps to take? The following advice will help you become educated as to handling an emergency situation with a dog who has been in an accident. Assess the area... verder lezen
The most common of all accidents involving dogs is the one in which the dog is struck by a car. To help you prepare as best possible in this type of scenario, read along and take notes of the following steps. Approaching an injured dog When approaching a dog that has been struck by a... verder lezen
It happens every day – a dog is crossing a street or busy intersection and becomes the target of thousands of pounds of crushing steel – injuring the poor animal to the brink of death. If you ever have the unfortunate experience of bearing witness to this trauma, it is important to have a basic... verder lezen
When a dog goes into shock, what stimulants are safe to give the animal? What exactly should you do in this situation? Life or death is waiting on your decision… Before going into the differences of professional opinion on these very important questions, note the following basic guidelines: If the dog is conscious then administer... verder lezen