Play these family-oriented games to help your dog master good manners and basic commands. And please be sure to supervise all play that involves children. “Thank you, take it!” This game will teach your dog to willingly release objects from its mouth when asked. Any object you start teaching this with should be large enough... verder lezen
Courtesy & Good manners
Dogs do not come into the world knowing polite manners, so don’t expect your own family pet to abide by rules that it doesn’t know yet. Training is a process that takes time and repetition. Both management and training will be necessary to keep your dog out of trouble while it’s learning how to behave... verder lezen
Making dog training a family affair is a fun and rewarding experience for everyone. To start, you must commit to declaring the rules that will govern your dog’s behavior, and let everyone know that these rules must be followed by everyone – because family-wide consistency is essential to achieve good results from training. Establishing the... verder lezen
Teaching good manners to your dog is not just something to be left up to the adults of the house. Although mom and dad will usually bear the most responsibility for the family dog’s training, including children in the process is important, too. Your dog needs to know that it must respond and behave politely... verder lezen
Unless they are trained not to do so, most dogs will form the natural habit of begging for both attention and food. Some dog owners except this behavior and think it’s cute, but most people get annoyed very quickly when their dog starts to beg every time he wants love, attention, and especially when he... verder lezen