As we spend a decade or more with our dogs, they literally become a part of our lives, a member of our family, and the thought of them not being with us anymore can be too much to handle. Unfortunately, this is something that will happen. It is inevitable. And while planning for our pet’s... verder lezen
As the words of a sad, but sweet, eulogy was echoed over the loudspeaker of a public address system, a spotlight began to slowly illuminate an object in the center of the show ring: a leash, attached to an empty training collar. The occasion It was graduation night for an obedience training class. As the... verder lezen
Animal behaviorists have always been fascinated about studying whether or not dogs and other animals have emotions. While some researchers conduct ongoing studies to find scientific evidence, regular folks like you and I could answer that question immediately with a resounding “Yes!” Having been around dogs and other animals all of my life I can... verder lezen