Puppies and children

Teaching children how to be a responsible dog owner

Responsible dog owner

As soon as your new puppy arrives at your home for the very first time, you should get started on the training process immediately. Successful puppy training can be a pleasant and rewarding experience to everyone, so long as you start early and remain consistent week after week, month after month, and yes – year after year!

Prepare ahead of time before your puppy’s arrival

To make the process more effective, everyone in the household should be involved in training the new member of the family, including your kids. Your child’s participation with training the puppy will not only give him/her a feeling of pride and value, but it is also a great way for the child to learn about responsibilities and caring for others. In addition, involving your child in training the puppy is the fastest way for the two to build a healthy friendship together, and fast!

Ways to involve your child in training your puppy

Keep in mind that no matter how responsible your child may be, it is not a good idea to give her the full responsibilities of taking care of the new puppy. Even if you had adopted the puppy for her, it is still your responsibility to ensure that your pet is well cared for. However, there are lots of ways for your child to contribute.

Below are some of the things that she can do to participate in caring for your new puppy.

Picking puppy supplies

Prior to the puppy’s arrival, your child can help pick out puppy supplies. Before you go to the store to buy the things that your puppy needs, create a checklist at home. Take her to the store and have her read the list and help pick out the supplies. Ask for suggestions on which color or shape to pick. This first step will put her in the mindset of sharing the responsibility of taking care of the new pup.

Setting up living area

Your child can also help set up the puppy’s new living area. Have a basket where you can store the pup’s toys and have your child put the toys in it. She can put the cushion inside the crate and then place the food and water dish in its appropriate area.

Love and attention

Last but not the least; your child can help in giving the new puppy lots of love and attention. This, of course, should be done under close supervision of an adult, particularly during the puppy’s first few days home.