Did you get a new puppy and are you now looking for a practical training guide? Do you have a dog that does not listen or barks incessantly? Cesar Millan, expert dog trainer and well known worldwide for his TV show The Dog Whisperer, can offer the help that you’ll need. Cesar Millan books provide a wealth of... verder lezen
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Did you get a new puppy and are you now looking for a practical training guide? Do you have a dog that does not listen or barks incessantly? Cesar Millan, expert dog trainer and well known worldwide for his TV show The Dog Whisperer, can offer the help that you’ll need. Cesar Millan books provide a wealth of... verder lezen
One of the first things to buy before you can start training your dog is a decent dog training collar. There are different types of dog collars available on the market and can be roughly divided into three different categories: Buckle collars, Slip collars and Specialized collars. Buckle collars Buckle collars go around the dog’s... verder lezen
There are a variety of dog training programs available online, each claiming to provide the best dog training methodology. Below you’ll find our recommendations for dog training programs which have proven their excellent value to tens of thousands of satisfied dog owners. Doggy Dan, The Online Dog Trainer Doggy Dan’s Online Dog Trainer is the... verder lezen
If you are looking for a dog that will be responsible for security & surveillance jobs, you’ll have to assure that you get decent dog training tailored to high level protection duty. As this type of training can be dangerous if they handled incorrectly, we strongly advise to hire a professional trainer specialized in this... verder lezen
In his television show The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Milan makes controlling a dog look tremendously easy. If you follow his dog training philosophy which is based on exercise, discipline and affection, and manage to train yourself into becoming a calm and confident leader for your dog, then you’ll find that controlling your own dog may... verder lezen
An obedience school for dogs will train your dog how to be obedient & follow your commands. You can either subscribe for an online training program such as Doggy Dan’s Online Dog Trainer video program, or visit a local training school. Doggy Dan, The Online Dog Trainer Doggy Dan’s Online Dog Trainer video program is... verder lezen
While dogs serve people in a variety of ways around the world, some of the most visible service dogs are police dogs. K9 dogs handle many jobs including protecting the dog owner, sniffing out drugs or bombs and patrolling sensitive areas. Each job requires different skill sets and thus a different type of training. K9... verder lezen
Training your dog doesn’t require a lot of fancy training equipment, but one thing which does require careful attention is the choice of dog collar. Basic dog collar The simplest type of dog collar is the basic collar that buckles around the dog’s neck. This type is generally used to keep on your dog every... verder lezen
Puppies use their mouths to explore the world and to play with other puppies. Without his littermates, your puppy will turn to you to play with and if not corrected, will include their nips and bites in his play repertoire. Even though this nipping and biting may be cute in the beginning, it’s most certainly... verder lezen